Another Happy Hunk Day

Hey everyone. I hope you’re having a good day. Staying cool for all of us stuck in the hot places of the world. 🙂 I think this guy has the right idea. Anyone want to share water with him? lol

On Monday, I got 6331 words done on Angel’s Seduction. Yesterday, probably only around 300.

That brings AS up to 37k for the expanded version. I’m really thinking this story will hit 50k by the time it’s done. 🙂 Woo-hoo! I’m really hoping to get it finished within this next month.

Have a great day.

6 Responses “Another Happy Hunk Day”

  1. Paige Burns says:

    Heat wave, it’s scorching after that pic dude!

  2. Jenna Howard says:

    Err…what was all that darlin’?

    Mmm…wet beefcake. Lickalicious!

  3. T.A.Chase says:


    Have a great time. It’s too hot for me to spend any time on the beach. I’ll just hunker down in my house with the a/c on and hope this heat wave gets over with soon. 🙂

  4. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, Sherrill. It was a good day. Not only did I get a lot written, I was happy with what I wrote. 🙂

  5. Anita says:

    That’s great TA!!! Congrats on the writting! On Monday I was driving to the beach, and yesterday we went to the beach. We’re doing that for the next 2 days! *G* We’re going on a ferry ride today!

    Have a great day!! I’ll definitely share the water with the hunk!!! There’s more than enough to go arond!!! *G*

  6. Sherrill Quinn says:

    Congrats on the word count, T.A. 6300 in one day–that’s phenomenal!

    Hope you have a great day. 🙂

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