Happy Monday

brown shirt


I love his eyes. πŸ™‚

I hope you all had a good weekend. I did…well aside from my BIL being stabbed, but he’s doing well, so we’re hoping for a full recovery.

I did some writing over the weekend. Worked on Remove the Space Between Us and Choices Sealed by Fate. I’ll be adding more to them throughout the next week. Also, did some writing with Devon Rhodes, on the second book in the International Men of Sports series, Chasing the King of the Mountains. We’re also hoping to have that finished by the end of the month. Which is only a week away. Yikes! Where the heck did March go?

I’m hoping April will start the warming trend. I’m getting tired of it being cold all the time. πŸ™ Oh well.

I hope you all have a great Monday.

4 Responses “Happy Monday”

  1. Cynthia says:

    Here’s hoping for a quick recover time.

  2. josexpressions says:

    geez πŸ™ sorry to hear that, but glad he’s ok

  3. T.A. Chase says:

    yes…my BIL got stabbed over the weekend during an altercation. πŸ™ He’s all right. Actually they’re discharging him from the hospital at some point today.

    That was the excitement for the weekend.

  4. josexpressions says:

    stabbed??? what???

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