You Decide

lol..the picture doesn’t really have anything to do with the post, but I thought y’all might like some eye candy to jump start your morning.
Okay, here’s my problem. I have two stories I’d like to write and post as my blog story, but since I don’t have time to do both of them, I need to decide which one to actually focus on. That’s where you come in. 🙂
Since you’re the ones who will be reading it and taking the time out of your days to stop by, I thought I’d let you decide which one I should post. That way, I don’t have to pull my hair trying to pick between them. (it’s like trying to pick between your children, I’m sure.)
So I’m putting up two blurbs. I’d like you to post and tell me which one I should work on. (Don’t worry…both will get done, just one sooner than the other) we go.
#1: The Vanguard-
Okay, here’s my problem. I have two stories I’d like to write and post as my blog story, but since I don’t have time to do both of them, I need to decide which one to actually focus on. That’s where you come in. 🙂
Since you’re the ones who will be reading it and taking the time out of your days to stop by, I thought I’d let you decide which one I should post. That way, I don’t have to pull my hair trying to pick between them. (it’s like trying to pick between your children, I’m sure.)
So I’m putting up two blurbs. I’d like you to post and tell me which one I should work on. (Don’t worry…both will get done, just one sooner than the other) we go.
#1: The Vanguard-
Prince Rathian is the Supreme Commander of the Vanguard, the most elite unit in the Launioc army. His men fight not only for their country and Prince, but they fight for each other. Launioc’s king sends the army into war against Villious and their Queen. As his men die, Rathian’s heart breaks and he longs to find the one person to help him survive the war and the loss of his men.
Stakel is a Queen’s Consort and is abandoned by his fellow Consorts during a battle with the Vanguard. Taken prisoner, he finds himself learning about the enemy he’d been taught to hate. Stakel has been forced to do things he hated and fight for a ruler he owes no loyalty. In Rathian, Stakel finds not only a ruler, but a lover to whom he can give all of himself.
#2 Swearing Allegiance-
Stakel is a Queen’s Consort and is abandoned by his fellow Consorts during a battle with the Vanguard. Taken prisoner, he finds himself learning about the enemy he’d been taught to hate. Stakel has been forced to do things he hated and fight for a ruler he owes no loyalty. In Rathian, Stakel finds not only a ruler, but a lover to whom he can give all of himself.
#2 Swearing Allegiance-
When his country, Nutria, is attacked by King Svenson of Sangdon, a neighboring kingdom, Oleg, Prince of the North easily defeats the insane ruler. Oleg and his army march to Sangdon’s capital city to “take over” (there’s a better word for this but can’t think of it right now) the throne and demand allegiance from Sangdon’s nobles and Svenson’s son. He expected some defiance, but he wasn’t expecting the stab of lust that greeted him his first night at court.
Prince Berrin’s relief at his father’s defeat is tempered by caution. He needs time to make up his mind about Oleg. When he asks for that time, the Prince of Nutria graciously gives it to him. Now he has a month to decide if the new king deserves his allegiance and that of Sangdon.
Disturbing rumors reach Oleg’s ears. Rumors that Berrin isn’t the son of the king after all. The Ancient Dark owns Berrin’s soul and will do what ever it must to protect him. Will Berrin and the magic inside him accept Oleg’s authority and his love? Or will the Nutrian Prince find himself fighting a war against a god?
Oh before I forget, stop over to LSB and check out Paige’s new book, Plain Jane which she co-authored with Tiffany Aaron. 🙂
Get busy and vote, people. I do have some written on both stories, so as soon as the decision is made, I’ll post the first scene on Thursday.
Prince Berrin’s relief at his father’s defeat is tempered by caution. He needs time to make up his mind about Oleg. When he asks for that time, the Prince of Nutria graciously gives it to him. Now he has a month to decide if the new king deserves his allegiance and that of Sangdon.
Disturbing rumors reach Oleg’s ears. Rumors that Berrin isn’t the son of the king after all. The Ancient Dark owns Berrin’s soul and will do what ever it must to protect him. Will Berrin and the magic inside him accept Oleg’s authority and his love? Or will the Nutrian Prince find himself fighting a war against a god?
Oh before I forget, stop over to LSB and check out Paige’s new book, Plain Jane which she co-authored with Tiffany Aaron. 🙂
Get busy and vote, people. I do have some written on both stories, so as soon as the decision is made, I’ll post the first scene on Thursday.
30 Responses “You Decide”
Planning ahead is good. 🙂 The Vanguard it is then.
Tony’s story is coming along. Have to re-write the beginng, but it’s getting there. 🙂
First Vanguard then -see planning ahead- Swearing Allegence.
o btw hows Tony’s story coming
First Vanguard then -see planning ahead- Swearing Allegence.
o btw hows Tony’s story coming
Thanks, Faymas. 🙂
You’re right. The Vanguard blurb is better written at this moment…lol.
The first one. The blurb was a little easier to get into.
thanks for the vote. 🙂 yep. the first scene will be up on Thursday.
I vote for #1. Oh goodie something to look forward to.
Lisa C. know what, Yvonne. I haven’t really thought about what Rathian looks like. I describe Stakel within the first couple of paragraphs. Hmmm….better get thinking about it.
Oh I don’t mind that it’s late. I won’t make the final decision until tomorrow..though it’s pretty clear what story will be next. 🙂
I understand not being able to get on while at work. Happens to me a lot.
Hi TA- I know it’s late but I’m just returning from the savage place(aka retail). Vanguard please! Does Rathian have LOONG hair?? Great Pecs and tight butt???lol
Looking forward to it.Thanks for asking us.
Hi TA- I know it’s late but I’m just returning from the savage place(aka retail). Vanguard please! Does Rathian have LOONG hair?? Great Pecs and tight butt???lol
Looking forward to it.Thanks for asking us.
First – I really appreciate the picture. Second – vote for The Vanguard as well. Know it is a late vote but can’t access blog from work 🙁 Of course, I look forward to ALL that your write.
Thanks for voting, Carrie. 🙂
Yep, it’s looking like The Vanguard is going to be the next blog story. Which is cool. I’ll keep working on Swearing Allegiance. Who knows? Maybe it’ll be finished before I need a new blog story. 🙂
I vote for “The Vanguard” first but I agree that “Swearing Allegiance sounds yummy too! Can’t wait to read either of them.
Thanks for voting and I’m glad you find Berrin’s story intriguing. Though there will be magic in The Vanguard as well, just not nearly as much as in Swearing Allegiance. 🙂
There was going to be a third, but then I couldn’t find the file that had the story in it and I couldn’t remember the h/h names…lol. so I figured two choices are better than none. The other one will just be searched out and set aside for next blog story decision time.
Berrin sounds intriguing. I like both stories, though I’m going to vote for Swearing Allegiance because I loved the way you handled the aura of magic in Firebird. SA sounds like it would have that same feel to it.
Ciao Elisa,
Thanks for voting. 🙂
I like The Vanguard too. ciao, elisa
Thanks..both for voting and the nice comments. 🙂 The thing is now that I read the blurbs, I have to admit the Vanguard blurb sounds much more Oh well, Swearing Allegiance will get written at some point.
I agree Vanguard first. Although Swearing Allegiance sounds really good. Anything you write will be good TA, you haven’t disappointed us yet.
Thanks for voting. Also thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my stories so far. 🙂
Vanguard 1st Looking foward to reading Swearing Allegiance 2nd. Then again loved everthing you have written. So I’m sure whatever order they appear in will be great.
I’m sensing a trend here…lol Good thing I have at least the first two chapters on Vanguard written. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and voting.
You’re welcome, Sylvie. I like both stories, so I just couldn’t decide. Now that I’ve re-read Vanguard, I’m itching to work on it again, but Swearing Allegiance has got its ‘claws’ in me as
I’m glad to have someone else make this decision.
Vanguard sounds like a promising story.
I vote for the Vanguard too…
Thanks for giving us the choice.
Have a great day.
One vote for the Vanguard. Just to give you a little more information…think elite Roman or Greek troops. Sort of like the Sparatans. Maybe that’s why I dug this story out from my pile after watching 300. 🙂
Thanks for voting.
I really like the Vanguard blurb.