When will it end?

When is winter going to be over? It’s snowing yet again and I’m sure it’ll be cold outside. Ugh!

I’m hoping things will flow today and I’ll be able to finish Borderline today. I’ve got about 2-3k left to finish, which is the last half of a chapter. Then I’ll be sending it out to my beta reader and my proofreader. Woot! Then on to Kissed by God, a story for another PAX at Amber Allure. As soon as I write up a blurb for it, I’ll post it.

Well, I hope you all stay safe and warm today, and this weekend as well.

6 Responses “When will it end?”

  1. Drea says:

    Great Pics, I just finished Voice for the Silent and I couldn't stop crying great job T.A.

  2. Lori K says:

    i just finished Why I Love Geeks-Very charming! Thanks!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wow. Holy Hot TA! That one got saved. (drool)

    Yea on the writing, I need more TA books. 🙂

    LOL, my word verification was ruglypo… sounds like a dog!


  4. ~D says:

    Winter? What Winter? All the snow around my house just melted when I looked at that eye candy!!

    wipes drool

  5. Melissa Bradley says:

    Winter's not so bad. It's the summer that bothers me, waaayyy too much heat and humidity. Besides, with pics like this, there's plenty to keep us all warm. 🙂

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Jambrea says:

    I love that pic. I thought you'd choose the one with the tie. heehee

    I agree. Winter could be over ANY time and I'd be happy! I'm taking a 1/2 day off work, but that is so I can go get an oil change and maybe a hair cut. Woot!

    Happy Friday!

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