Weekend at Hand

Yikes! Nine more hours until the weekend officially starts. I’m really not in the mood to go to work today. Maybe I should call in and take a ‘mental health’ day. lol. Of course, I won’t and I’ll go work and be a good boy. 🙂

I did some writing last night, which is a good thing. The stories are coming along and hopefully things will straighten out, so that I can focus on one story instead of three or four.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

4 Responses “Weekend at Hand”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Have a great weekend! We are going to the local Fair yay! Does sarcasm come across in print *grins*…..by the way, love the pic for today, and I just spent my morning reading all 20 parts for Understanding the Past and I looove it! Yay!

  2. Yvonne says:

    OMG! I have been without internet for over 24 hours and I was starting to jones! The worst thing was that I didn't get my TA fix yesterday!!!!

    At least I will be able to start my weekend off with some good stuff.lol

    Have a great weekend.


  3. Rhonda says:

    Thanks for the eye candy! Congrats on the writing. I'm not in the mood to work today either!

    TA, have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Jambrea says:

    Woohoo on the writing. Have a great weekend! I'm trying to get the hubby to take a half day so we can go see GI Joe! I'm hoping it works out!!!

    Thanks for the little bit of dirty. heehee

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