Wednesday Wisdom…
This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love: the more they give, the more they possess. -Rainer Maria Rilke
Rilke is one of my favorite poets. 🙂
Writing went well last night, so I’m happy with the progress I’m making. Yay!
I realized something last night. I’ve been offered a contract on Out of Light into Darkness by Total e-Bound. I’ll give you more information on that on Friday. (not meaning to tease or anything like that) But with this one coming out this year as well, I’ll have fourteen books out this year. Not including my print book, Tabloid Love. Which is two more than last year (if you don’t count my other print release, Playing the Game).
Woot! My goal every year has always been to have at least one more book out than I did the year before. I do realize that I can reach a point where that won’t be possible…lol. But I haven’t gotten to it yet. So there’s always another goal for me. 🙂
I hope you all have a wicked Wednesday.
Wednesday, May 19th, 2010, by and is filed under "Out of Light into Darkness, Playing the Game, Tabloid Love, writing ". You can leave a response here, or send a Trackback from your own site.
Congrats on all your releases. I love TEB by now I should have stock in the company! I can't wait until you and Carol's book release. I know it will be excellent as is all of you and her releases.
I just finished Be The Air For You, loved it. Keep up the excellent writing.
Sorry for anonymous but google is not letting me in.
Congratulations TA! More books from you is always wonderful news. Have an awesome day.
Congratulations TA! That is great news!
What great news TA……keep doing what you are doing, cause it is obviously working!
That's incredible!! Congratulations, TA. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Looking good! Maybe you'll exceed by more than 2 – won't that be mind-blowing! Congrats, you've earned it! 🙂
Great news TA. Congratulations!!
Next year…20! heehee
Congrats on your TeB contract! WOOT! I'm happy to share another pub with you! woohoo
Have a great Wed. 🙂
TEB Is a great pub! Congrats on the pick up! You also have an excellent wednesday wheather it is wicked or not.