Wednesday WiPs…
Wednesday already? Wow. I have to admit this week is flying by. I’ve accomplished one thing so far and that’s to finish Vanguard. 🙂
So I managed to write a little on Tony’s story, but ended up just watching tv last night. Gave myself a little break. Don’t worry. I planning to dive head first into that story and get it done as soon as possible. I really want to get it out for everyone.
Here are my word counts for the past week:
The Vanguard: 70,830/55,000 (5,566 words in the week)
Home of his Own: 33,099/50,000 (591 words in the week)
The Gypsy Devil: 27,540/50,000 (0 words in the week)
Where the Devil Dances: 166/50,000 (166 words in the week)
So that gives me a total of 6,323 words since last Wednesday. Not a great number, but it works. 🙂 Tony’s story moves to the top of the list and gets most of my attention. WtDD’s count will go up as I get deeper in the story. TGD will end up being something I work on when I’m just not in the mood for either of the other two. I haven’t given myself a deadline for that one yet.
I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
2 Responses “Wednesday WiPs…”
what is it about wet that’s so yummy!?! Thanx for the pic!
TA-you should be ashamed of yourself!! Showing us this lovely pix of you & C in the shower. Tres, Tres Hot!!-lol
I’m looking forward to Thurs!