Wednesday WiPs

Been an interesting week. Got some writing done. And some reading as well. 🙂

So onto the word count:

Dreaming of Dragons: 3,216/50,000 (1,110 words)

To Hell with the Devil: 13,060/30,000 (1,695 words)

His Heart’s Home: 5,975/50,000 (0 words, but I think I’ll be working the poem I posted on Monday into the story. It makes a good song.)

Gives me a total of 2,805 words. Pretty good for the start of the new year. 🙂

Hope you all have a great day.

2 Responses “Wednesday WiPs”

  1. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, Melissa. Congrats on starting your new story. Hope it goes well for you.

  2. Melissa says:

    Good job TA. I just started work on my next story and I’m feeling great.

    Love the eye candy. Yum!

    Have a wonderful evening.

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