Wednesday Hunk

Woot! Halfway through the week, and I’m only about 6k away from finishing Famine. 🙂 I have to write the last chapter and the epilogue. Then it’s on to the synopsis and book info form. Once that’s done, I have a very short story I need to write for Amber Allure. After that, it’s on to Death. I know for sure the Four Horsemen series will be complete and turned into my editor by the end of the year. 😀

So the last two days have been good for writing. I’m hoping that trend continues…lol. I’m getting a late start, but now that I’m up, I’ll make up for that. Keeping my fingers crossed I can finish Famine today.

Well, I hope you all have a great Wednesday.

2 Responses “Wednesday Hunk”

  1. Jambrea says:

    Good luck!

  2. Heli says:

    *keeping fingers crossed too* =) somehow I imagine that it will be beneficiar to us blogreaders as well…

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