Monday Morning….

Another week….another word count. πŸ™‚ Busy writing this week. I’m in the homestretch of Famine, then I have a very short story to write for Valentine’s Day. After that, comes Death. πŸ™‚ When Death is done, the Four Horsemen series will be finished, and I’ll be starting a new series for Total e-Bound called the Beasor Chronicles. I’m hoping also to have enough free time to write Rover’s story.

We’ll see how much I can get done by the end of the year. lol

I hope you all have a great Monday. I’ve become the owner of a rabbit, so I have to find a vet who will check it out for me. Yay!

3 Responses “Monday Morning….”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Woo, really? It's been nearly a year? Wow time has flown. Good for you! And as soon as I get paid, I will help add to your bottom line (gazes longingly at you new releases) πŸ™‚

    Rabbit? Is it an inside rabbit, or an outside rabbit?

    Erika S.

  2. T.A.Chase says:

    I was telling how we used to raise rabbits when I was little, and we would eat them as well…lol. It didn't go over well. I'm taking the rabbit to the vet on Thursday for a check-up, making sure it's as healthy as a rabbit can be.

    I like writing full time. I seem to get more done, and I think C is happy with the decision as well. It seems to be working so far. We'll have to see at the end of the year how well it worked out. πŸ™‚

  3. Cinderella says:

    Rabbit is great in the oven with a little wine over it. LOL I used to grow rabbits to eat. Love hearing about the writing more books. So after being a writer almost a full year how do you feel? Are you and C happy with the decision? Cynthia

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