Wednesday Hunk

Going to be busy writing today. I have to do the next installment of Cafe, plus continuing working on Kissed by God. Maybe that’s why I got up earlier than I usually do. 🙂 But that’s okay….nothing like getting an early start to the day. I can always take a nap this afternoon if I hit my word goals for each story.

I hope you all have a wicked Wednesday and stay safe. 🙂

4 Responses “Wednesday Hunk”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh yummy, would you look at him. (slurp)

    Keep writing TA, I need more books to buy.

    Of topic, did you tell us who the blonde playing Heath is?


  2. Cinderella says:

    Tatts and licking are required!! Kissed by God?? OK I need to know where in the sam hell can we go and see a small description of all these things you are writing/working on, ya know just a couple of sentences that is all I need. LOL!! Cynthia

  3. Nicole says:

    Boys with tattoos make me bite my lip and want to do naughty naughty things … *looks at the husband* … … …. *heavy sigh* Hahaha too bad I have college paper writing to do today … *sad sigh*

  4. Jambrea says:

    Great photo! woohoo for writing! 🙂

    Have a great Wed! And I hope you get your nap.

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