Wear Purple….

This was started to remember the LGBTQ kids who have committed suicide in recent months, and to help bring bullying into the spotlight. Yes, most of the attention has been on the LGBTQ kids, but it’s important that everyone remember that those aren’t the only kids who get bullied in school. It’s any kid who is perceived as different from the normal…because of looks, social status, religion, or ethnicity…among other things.

There needs to be a zero tolerance for any type of bullying because…while our children do need to realize that not everyone will like them and things won’t always go their way, everyone of them should be treated as the precious creature they are. Each child and teenager has something to give to the world, and they shouldn’t end up feeling that extinguishing that light is the only way to make the pain stop.

I have hope that some day things will change. That we, as humans, will learn how to celebrate our differences, instead of persecuting those who aren’t like us. And to all the kids out there who are bullied, whether it’s because you identify as LGBT or are questioning who you are…or are just different in your own unique way, things will get better. Just hang in there and ask for help. There are people out there who will listen and believe. There are people out there who will help you. Because each one of you is beautiful and magical. πŸ™‚

9 Responses “Wear Purple….”

  1. Jambrea says:

    Good for you Margaret! πŸ™‚

  2. Bethie says:

    Hear, hear, T.A.! I'm wearing my purple today as well and celebrating all the beautiful differences of the human race. πŸ™‚

  3. Jambrea says:

    (((hugs)) to Jen.

  4. Jen says:

    I'm Italian and German so my whole family loves to eat and unfortunately have the girth to prove it.

    When I was in elementary school and middle school people poked and prodded at my weight – I would run home crying and on the really bad days wet my pants in the process . . . completely mortified and not wanting to step foot out of my room. This was when I discovered a love of books – one of the only good things to come from these experiences. One day a boy named David H. followed me home from the school bus with his gang in tow just to make fun of the fat girl. I lost it. I turned around with tears running down my cheeks and told him that one good thing about being fat was that I could put all that weight behind a punch. I landed it right on his chin then I sat on him and laughed about the irony that the fat girl was sitting on the cool boy and pounding into his chest and face. Once I saw the blood I jumped up and ran home yet again.

    Nobody ever said anything to my face again but to this day I don't do well in crowds (I'm still carrying the extra weight – though I'm dieting and have lost alot). I've used my experience to try to help my girls through their school days but this can happen to anyone: thin, fat, smart, athletic, brown, white, long hair, shaved head. It doesn't matter – which is what the scariest part about it for me is.

    I pray that the bullies of the world can one day realize that they aren't just hurting people – the damage goes way deeper. I know this every time my 15yo daughter wants me to go to the mall with her and I have to hide my shaking so she doesn't feel bad about wanting me with her.

    Thank goodness this problem is finally coming to light and here's to hoping a new day with be upon us.

    And thank all of you for letting me share something I've only told to a select few. With love for every difference that we all have – for it's all beautiful!

  5. Margaret says:

    I am also hopeful but realise it will be very hard.
    Re-education of young bullies and their parents or guardians to teach them that this type of behavior is not acceptable needs to start at the first signs no matter how young.
    My first encouter with being bullied happened when I was 5 and the bully 6. Fortunately for me I come for a fairly big family and was used to holding my own with others. My reaction went – My hair was pulled so I got angry reached up grabbed a handful of her hair and didn't let go until mine was released. She didn't bother me again although she did bully others. One very timid girl in my class I tried to go to if I saw the bully bothering her which usually meant the bully walked away. Right and wrong are learnt very young.
    Then at secondary school I had another run in with a bully. This one bent my fingers back and yet again I reacted and she ended up over a desk with me sitting on her and telling her never to touch me again.
    I was red haired(with temper to match when prevoked) quiet podgy and wore glasses from a very young age so people tended to think I would be a pushover. I might have been except for how I had learnt to deal with my siblings. So they have had their uses.
    Something to note is that both these events have when changing the group of people around me and we were all trying to find our place in the new mix. Flash points perhaps?

  6. ElaineG says:

    I too am wearing my purple…and I too have hope for the future. Great post TA…I couldn't have said it better myself

  7. Jambrea says:

    Like the others, I am hopeful. This is a great post TA and I'm wearing my purple! πŸ™‚

  8. jodecarlson says:

    I, too, am hopeful.

  9. Cinderella says:

    I hope to but humans are strange creatures in the makeup of our animal kingdom.

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