Trying something new

My hubby and I went on Weight Watchers together. He wants to lose a lot of weight. I just want to take a few extra pounds off. But it’s more of a trying to eat healthier and feel better thing. So I’ve been doing Zumba twice a week, and we joined a gym yesterday. We’re heading out in a few minutes for our first workout. Woot! Should be fun…lol. I’ve already lost 5 lbs and only have 30 more to go. ONce I get into the swing of working out every day, I think it’ll be easy to get rid of the weight. But really more than that, I want to tone everything up. It’s getting a little saggy. 😀
Writing yesterday was a bust. I should have started Tramps, but while I got the file open and typed in the name, I didn’t get anything else written. Mostly just vegged again. Oh well. I’ll try again today…lol. I’m not worried about it yet. If I go much longer without writing anything on it, I might have to try a different story and come back to it. Which would screw up my release schedule, so I’m going to try and avoid that. 🙂
Well, I have to go now. Off to the gym. Hopefully there will be some eye candy there, aside from my hubby.
3 Responses “Trying something new”
LOOOVVVEEE Zumba!!!! I go 3 times a week!!! =D
It gets easier balancing work, gym and healthy eating after a while. I’m working on toning at the moment… I think I’d rather go back to losing weight cause toning makes me hurt!!! lol
But going to the gym is worth going if only for the “scenery” =P
WW is so much easier when partners do it together and how lucky you can go to the gym together too!
Congrats on trying something new. I definitely need to join you.
Good luck at the gym….ohhh,sweaty man bits. Lol