Start of July….
Here’s the cover for Part Two of Every Shattered Dream. There is a difference between this one and the first cover. When you see them all together in a row, you’ll understand what the difference is. 🙂
I can’t believe today is the first of July. Where did the first six months of the year go? lol I’m not sure if I want the next six months to fly by as fast. Crazy. 🙂
So today, I have three sets of edits and four interviews to do, plus start my next Fallen book, New York (Tiffany Aaron), finish up Always Ready, and do the next installment of Hearts for tomorrow. I’m hoping I can get them done today, but we’ll have to see…lol. I want the interviews done, Fallen started, and Hearts done by the time I go to bed tonight.
I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂
2 Responses “Start of July….”
Hi there, just wondering if you are still working on the preternaturals series? I just recently found it and I am desperate to see how more of the series turns out.
I worked a great deal on Monday so that is way I am commenting late…I cannot wait to get this story…thank you for sharing it with us.