Slept in…

With the time change and fighting the remains of this stupid cold, I ended up sleeping in later than I usually do. 🙂 But the good news is I’m feeling slightly better, so I’m hoping to get a bunch of writing done today. Maybe even some on Waiters, but I’m trying to get Pestilence done before I leave on vacation. Keep your fingers crossed that it happens. I need about another 11,000 words before I can start wrapping it up.
I hope you all have a great Monday. Here’s to Spring maybe starting soon. 🙂
3 Responses “Slept in…”
If the boy in the pic was in bed I would want to stay also..LOL!! You have got it in the bag! You are awesome sauce in a bowl of chips. Cynthia
Glad your feeling a bit better. Hope you have a great writing day!
You can do it! I'm glad you're getting rid of the cold!! 🙂
Happy Writing. 🙂