Saturday fun

Our second man in uniform. 🙂

It looks to be a beautiful day out. Finally no clouds for today anyway.

I got the tenth scene written for The Ball and started the eleventh. I’m starting to think it’s time for Angel to find some courage. I’m pretty sure we’re all going to be surprised with him once he makes a break from his father. 🙂

Not much else got done. C got home without any problems yesterday. 🙂

“Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you’re scared to death.”—Harold Wilson

6 Responses “Saturday fun”

  1. T.A.Chase says:

    lol…yep that’s immediately what your eyes focus on, isn’t it, Jenna?

  2. Jenna Howard says:


  3. T.A.Chase says:

    Hey there, Bridget. Long time no see. 🙂 He is rather delicious, isn’t he?

    Tell your man thanks from me. Anyone willing to serve has my utmost respect. As does anyone willing to love an active duty soldier because it has to be difficult to be away from each other for so long.

  4. Bridget Laine says:

    Huminah! Damn, TA. My tongue just fell out of my mouth and refuses to go back in!

    As a woman happily engaged to a Marine stationed in Iraq, I fully appreciate this bit of eye candy. Thanks!

  5. T.A.Chase says:

    I hope you feel better, Sherrill. 🙂

  6. Sherrill Quinn says:

    Thanks for the pics the last couple of days, T.A. I just got my sister and her friend off to the airport, and I’m ready now to crash and burn. Hopefully I’ll dream of a strong, hunky soldier who won’t care I’m hacking all over him…

    Glad C made it back home. 🙂

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