Reason To Stay In Bed

Good morning, everyone. Now, if he were in my bed, I certainly wouldn’t be here typing this in. 🙂 It’s foggy and sunny here..which is a weird combination, but I’ll take the sun. Enjoy him…don’t tire him out too much and I’ll be back later with a friend or two for him. 🙂

15 Responses “Reason To Stay In Bed”

  1. T.A.Chase says:’s better to get tied up when it’s playing..not punishment…lol

  2. Landra Lynn says:

    Yes, there is that kinky-seductive aspect. But, I tend to leave those tasks to Prince Charming ;o)

  3. T.A.Chase says:

    well..that does give you some incentive to write…lol..unless you like being tied up.

  4. Landra Lynn says:

    Like my mother always says…

    So yummy you could just lick him!

    Yes, I am afraid my muse is going to tie me up and lock me in the closet if I don’t write.

  5. Jenna Howard says:

    Hm. Yes. I thought I had a problem with my muse’s attitude. Nope. Will start showing him the love now as he’s not scary…just annoying.

  6. T.A.Chase says:

    lol…Landra’s did seem a little heavy on the attitude, didn’t she?

  7. Jenna Howard says:

    Yeah. My muse is mean but not scary like Landra’s. :::shudder:::

  8. T.A.Chase says:

    You’re welcome to him, Jenna. He’ll treat you better than Jack does, I’m sure.

  9. Jenna Howard says:

    I’m stealing him. I had a chat with Jack. “Baby, you need a face. Not that I dislike your tush, but you need a face.”

    My muse eyed this guy and said “Yeah, he’ll do. Not as hot as me…but he’ll do.”

    “Will you look at me like he does?”

    “Sweet Thing,” he drawled, “let’s not get carried away.”


    Awesome. So, stealing this…

  10. T.A.Chase says:

    that would be the perfect day to snuggle up under the covers and find ways to amuse yourselves without leaving the comfort of bed. 🙂

  11. Paige Burns says:

    I’ve got the perfect day for him, cold and rainy. “Come back to bed, baby.”

  12. T.A.Chase says:

    ah…well..that’s my little secret, Jenna. They’re thrilled that I’m sharing them with you though. It’s get a little crowded in the vault where I keep them all. 🙂

  13. Jenna Howard says:

    “Baby…what’s taking so long? Stop trying to figure out the scanner and fretting about having to buy an extension cord so you can plug it in. The bed’s still warm, get your cute little tush back in bed.”

    Forsakes stupid scanners, stupid cords that are too short, abandons getting dresses, takes her cute little tush back into bed.

    Lordy lordy lordy…where do you find my men, T.A.?

  14. T.A.Chase says:

    he does have that ‘why don’t you join me’ look, doesn’t he?

  15. Sherrill Quinn says:

    Yum. He looks like he’s wondering why he’s in bed alone… and he’s very inviting… Grrrrowwf. 🙂

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