Rather gloomy day

Have to love a strategically placed flower….lol. 😀
Well, I probably have 2-4k more left on Under My Bed, then I can call it good. I’ll fill out the forms and submit it. I’ll work on Waiters over the weekend and see if I can’t get the expanded version done, so I can let you all know when it’ll be out.
After that, it’s on to War. When it’s finished, I’ll be starting Bandit’s story, Love’s Baggage. I will tell you that Bandit’s story doesn’t take place in the same place as Nick of Time and Allergies. Max, Roman, Allen, and Bandit have to go back to where Allen and Roman were held captive and deal with their pasts. While helping get Allen and Roman free of their past, Bandit comes to terms with his own. 🙂
Plus I need to think about what my next blog story will be…or see if I can give you two blurbs to choose from. I’m going to have a busy weekend.
I hope you have a great Friday.
7 Responses “Rather gloomy day”
What about the guys from Why I Love Geeks-the head of security and the head of the pharmaceutical company? Will they be getting a story? I loved the interactions between them and how they're both alphas!
..can't wait to read the next story but my imagination doesn't cope with miss Spears though! Hopefully we'll get more like Nickelback 😉
Thanks, everyone.
Thank you, Cynthia, for the plot bunny. Now I have this story running through my head to the song and video of Brittany Spear's Till the World Ends. 🙂 It just might be the next blog story…or I'll add it to my list to see when I can get to it.
Kimi, yes I do plan on doing Chad's story. At the moment, it's not scheduled to be started until some time next year. I know, that's a long way away, but you never know. I might be able to move it up on the list. Depends on how fast I can get some of the ones in front of it done. 🙂 Thanks for asking though.
I actually have a question. I don't know if you posted this or not, but I was rereading Finding Love:Nowhere Diner and was wondering if you were going to go anywhere with Chad. He just kind of ended and I wanted to know if he gets his happy ending.
Thanks and keep up the great work.
Wow that sounds like a nice and busy weekend!
ooo cant wait for Love's Baggage!!!
Cant wait to see what may/will be the next blog story! 🙂
Have a great weekend!!!
Busy, busy…just how I like you. lol
Have a great weekend and good luck on your word count. 🙂
wow busy busy weekend. Blog story: Allen had been hiking all day trying to reach the Madrel settlement when he heard a russle in the woods, as he turn he came face to face with the biggest Droid he had ever seen. As the Droid started to reach for him he screamed and everything went black.