Rainy Monday

This is one of my favorite pictures of Viggo Mortonsen. I’ll have to write a story and base one of my heroes on him someday…lol. So I can go through tons of Viggo pics. 🙂

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine wasn’t bad at all. A little rainy and a little chilly, but still at least it didn’t snow. 😉 Today’s another rainy day. It would be the perfect day to stay home and write all day.

Well, it’s time to leave for work. Yay! Hope you all have a great day, even though it is a Monday.

6 Responses “Rainy Monday”

  1. Tam says:

    "at least it didn't snow"

    Well aren't you just a glass half-full kind of guy. LOL POURING here today (Tuesday). Hatin' it. And if it starts snowing in June you'll hear my screams of anguish around the globe.

  2. Rhonda says:

    Right now the sun is out here, but we are supposed to get storms later today.

    Thanks for the eye candy.

    TA, I hope you have a wonderful Monday!

  3. Melissa Bradley says:

    Thanks for the Viggo eye candy. He's a terrific way to brighten up this dreary Monday.

    Hope you get to laugh and smile a lot today.

  4. Yvonne says:

    I have no idea who Viggo is (because I am not into movies that much) but I definitely like his picture!

    It's a little cloudy and grey here in Landsthul, but hopefully it will better this week.


  5. brooks says:

    That picture is awesome. He looks like a sea captain. Hope everyone has a great Monday! It's kinda hot here in Cali.

    Thanks, TA!

  6. Jambrea says:

    It's rainy here as well. I'm off today. I need to recover from the Lori Foster Event. lol

    Have a great day TA!

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