Rainy Days and Monday…

lol…It’s a Monday and it’s rainy here. Rainy Days and Mondays by The Carpenters came on my Itouch just as I was getting to work and I have to admit it’s a fitting song. 🙂

I spent the weekend ripping drywall and paneling out of a friend’s house. Fun times. So today, I’m sore and running around like a chicken with its head cut off, making sure everything is done at my office because I leave tomorrow for my retreat and if things fall apart, they can’t get a hold of me. (which is good in a way…lol)

I hope you all had a great weekend and I hope your Monday is sunny and warmer than mine.

7 Responses “Rainy Days and Monday…”

  1. Ebook Addict says:

    The Carpenters good taste is music:-) lol

    Rainy Days and Mondays…

    Have a good week!!

  2. Blaidd-Drwg says:

    Manic Mondays! Always fun *is sarcastic*

    Heheheh yeah ripping out stuff definitely makes you sore. I spent the week fixing fences and ripping out poles. My back hates me now.

  3. Firecat says:

    Rainy Days & Mondays is my theme song today, but toss in a good dose of wind too. LOL

    Sounds like by the time this day is over you'll need to go on the retreat!

  4. Jambrea says:

    Woohoo! Congrats on being Whipped. heehee Great Job!

  5. brooks says:

    BTW, congrats on Ghost of a Chance being voted Best Book of the Week at Whipped Cream Reviews. Cool news for a Monday. 🙂

  6. brooks says:

    It’s just another manic Monday… my theme song today. Blah. Where did spring go? Too hot here already. I’ll trade you the rain for the heat any day. (Just no snow!)

    Have a great Monday!

  7. Jambrea says:

    I love today’s picture. It is so pretty. It looks like a scene out of one of your books!

    Try not to stress out too much and have a good Monday. 🙂

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