Allergies #1

I wanted to thank everyone for making Allergies the #1 best seller at Amber Allure for the month of April. 🙂 I really appreciate the way you all get behind my stories, especially my blog stories that get released by a publisher.

Not much got done writing wise the past two weeks or so. The ‘real’ world intruded…lol. Darn it. But I plan on getting back into the swing of things and get some stuff done soon.

I hope you all had a great weekend and I see that you’ve been enjoying Bitter Creek’s Redemption. Yes, I’m an evil man…lol.

Have a great Monday, everyone.

10 Responses “Allergies #1”

  1. Rhonda says:

    TA your #1 spot for Allergies is much deserved! Congrats! I hope you enjoy your week.

  2. Ebook Addict says:

    WooHoo Congrats on yet another #1 TA – of course this doesn’t surprise me Allergies ROCKED!!

  3. brooks says:

    Hey, TA! Welcome back. Congratulations on a well deserved number one at Amber Allure. Way to start out the week with some awesome news like that!

    Evil though you may be, we’re all waiting with bated breath to see what happens next with BCR. So you’ve done your evil job well. 😉

  4. Susan says:

    Welcome back and congratulations, TA. Haven’t been able to get Allergies yet but plan on it next payday. And happy to say I got a friend/co-worker hooked on your books as well as 1 of my other favorite authors, lol.
    I would be upset how you left off on the last installment of BCR, if not for the fact, Eagle is a main character so you can’t kill him off without all your fans hunting you down, hehehe. So can’t wait till I get home from EDJ tommorrow to find out what does happen.

  5. Firecat says:

    Congrats on your #1 spot TA, you deserve it!

    I guess it just goes to show that your evilness is part of your charm. 😉

  6. Melissa Bradley says:

    Congratulations, TA. Like Yvonne said, it was truly a pleasure getting you into the #1 spot. And yes, you are evil man. I very nearly had a rotten weekend because of the way you left us hanging with BCR, but luckily Hugh Jackman was there to help. 😉 Have a good one.

  7. Yvonne says:

    TA-it was a pleasure getting you to that

    Take care.

  8. Tam says:

    Congrats on being #1. Is this where we march around with those big styrofoam fingers chanting? 🙂 I am proud to have contributed to the cause. It was a great read, can’t wait for more.

  9. Jambrea says:

    Woohoo! Congrats! I’m rereading it now. I got it in ebook AND print so I’m reading my print copy before it goes into the TA Chase Library! heehee

    Have a great Monday and I can’t wait to see what you give us tomorrow with BCR!!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on Allergies. I don’t usually blog but as I was reading Ghost of a Chance I noticed that Seamus was from the Realm of Dreams. So I was wondering if it might link up with Here Be Dragons and Dreaming of Dragons in the future maybe. Because isn’t Mordred and George from the Realm of Dreams too.


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