Poetry Train #83


Warm touch
Gentle caress
Soft words
Breaking my heart.

Your smile from
Across the room
Hits me in the chest
And I remember
How you looked at me
As you told me you
Were leaving.

Warm touch
Gentle caress
Soft words
Breaking my heart.

You’d found someone else
To treat you the way you wanted
To give you things
You think you deserve
And worship at your feet
Like I couldn’t,
Not without sacrificing
My self-respect.

Warm touch
Gentle caress
Soft words
Breaking my heart.

No more wishing
I could be what you wanted
I let you go and
Turned my face toward
A brighter life
And a stronger love
Without losing myself.

c.2008 T.A. Chase

8 Responses “Poetry Train #83”

  1. Parline Larue says:

    I love this poem and dare I ask for a story featuring the two guys in this picture? that would be just to freakin hot!!!

  2. Ebook Addict says:

    Beautiful picture and those eyes very expressive *sigh*

    Todays poem is very beautiful sad and bittersweet.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday, hope you stay warm

  3. Kristie~ says:

    Excellent poem. I could read whatever you write I think. LOL
    Stay warm.

  4. Melissa Bradley says:

    You should be a poet laureate somewhere, TA. You always write such amazingly honest and thought provoking verse. I am still awaiting your poetry volume, although I think with the way your stories are taking off, it’ll be a long time. 🙂

    Stay warm and safe.

  5. Rush says:

    Great poem! Love Yourself First!!!
    I like just about everything you write…
    Love and Light

  6. Gina, Book Dragon says:

    When the page loaded, I could only see the picture and title. My first though was “oh, yea” then came “breaking my heart” and I just wanted to cry.

    Then the finish “Without losing myself” hit me right in the heart.

    Once again, you show us why we love you so.

  7. molli says:

    What Brea said! Stay warm.

  8. Jambrea says:

    I love that picture and what a great poem. Have a good Monday TA.

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