Poetry Train…

Who I Love…

It doesn’t matter who I love.
It merely matters that I love at all.
I risk my heart every chance I get
To find the man I’ll want forever.

It doesn’t matter if he’s
Black or white.
It doesn’t matter if he’s
Short or tall.

It doesn’t matter if he’s
Thin or fat.
It doesn’t matter if he’s
Rich or poor.

It doesn’t matter if the one
Is male or female.
It doesn’t matter who I love.
It merely matters that I love at all.

TA Chase c. 2008

8 Responses “Poetry Train…”

  1. artpredator says:

    quick add–yes the eye candy as always is lovely…but i’ll take my 46 year old hubby (who’s not tubby!) any day cuz he loves me (and my tummy!)

  2. artpredator says:

    so true!!

    too bad bush and his cronies and the rest of the repugs don’t get it–that it’s about L-O-V-E LOVE!

    and the more love between whoever the better!

  3. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, Melissa.

    The two lines:

    It doesn’t matter who I love.
    It merely matters that I love at love

    are going to be in His Heart’s Home. I love the sentiment behind them and think they would fit in with the story line between Derek and Max. 🙂

  4. T.A.Chase says:

    I saw that picture, Jambrea and thought I had to put it on my blog. There’s just something about it that struck me. 🙂


  5. Melissa Bradley says:

    I think this is definitely one of my favorites, TA. I love the words, the way it reads (I had to read it out loud) and the feelings it engenders. Very simple, very powerful. You are a great poet.

    Take care and have great week. I look forward to more Allergies and congrats on all the new material coming out.

  6. Jambrea says:

    *sigh* I love it TA. What a great poem.

    The picture isn’t bad either. lol 🙂

  7. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, Joy.

    You have a great week as well.

  8. Joy Roett says:

    Yummy eye candy, lovely poem.

    Have a fantastic week TA!

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