New cover for No Going Home
This is the new cover for No Going Home, which comes out in November from Total e-Bound. I really like it….just as much as I liked the first cover I ever got for it. 🙂
I’m doing the FLE on NGH soon, and it’ll be up for pre-order at some point soon after. Though like I said, I didn’t add anything new to this version. Just some editing and cleaning up of things that were missed the first time around. And the cover is different…lol. I’m not completely sure when it’ll be out in print, but that’s the great news. All of the Home books will be in print as well. Yay! lol
After edits, I have to work on the next installment of Threadbare, and see which of the many stories I need to write will speak to me and let me work on them.
Well, I hope you all have a great Wednesday. I’ll be revealing another new cover on Friday. 🙂