New cover…
First off, I’d like to share the cover for Close the Distance, book 2 in the Rags to Riches series. Yes, it’s the same guy from Remove the Empty Spaces. Which makes me very happy because Close picks up pretty much right where Remove left off. So you get two stories about Adrien and Ion. The 3rd book, Footsteps of My Father (title subject to change…lol) is next up on my list to be written. That one will be about Patrick, Ion’s best friend and Adrien’s personal assistant. He gets to meet Winston, the head of the London branch of Adrien’s company. It’s up on the coming soon page at Totally Bound. Click here to check it out.
Secondly, I was asked about book conventions and how to find them. I guess the best bet would be to google book conventions in your area or simply ask other authors which ones they’ve gone to and which ones they’d recommend for what you’re writing.
Like for romance, there’s the Romantic Times convention-which is geared towards readers but they do have industry panels where authors can learn new things from other authors. Plus you get to interact with a lot of readers. 🙂 The RWA (Romance Writers of America) convention tends to run towards authors/industry more than readers, though they do have a huge book signing.
Then there’s conventions for mystery/suspense and fantasy/sci-fi writers/readers. It’s simply a matter of doing the research to find which ones are in your area or are something you might be interested in going to.
I’ll be going to three cons this year-Spring Fling (which is put on by the a Chicago RWA chapter) in April in Chicago. The RT convention in May in New Orleans and GRL in Chicago in October.
RT and GRL are the two cons I always attend each year. But they might not be the right ones for other authors to attend. It’s really important to do your research and make sure you’re going to get the best return for your money when you go to cons. Of course, sometimes it’s nice to go just to have fun. 🙂
I hope everyone is staying warm and have a great weekend.
One Response “New cover…”
Thanks, TA – very helpful! Love the tattoo, by the way! The back is always so painful. I have a tattoo on the upper left of my back (shoulder area) – ouch! Looking forward to Close the Distance – have a nice weekend. 🙂