New Contract

I think there’s a story here with this picture. I just have to figure out what it is. 🙂

Usually, I wait to announce a new contract, but the signed contract is in the mail. Loose-Id will be publishing the next Dragon book, Fighting Dragons, next spring. This will be the story of Bailey Stevenson and David Wellmine, two of the Dragon Slayers unit. I’m sure you remember them. It’s also another St. Patrick’s Day story, featuring Irish magic and Seamus in all his elven glory. lol…All the guys will make an appearance.

Writing is going well on several different stories, keeping me busy, but my mind is settling down and allowing me to focus on one story instead of three or four at a time. Which is good news.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Hump Day.

11 Responses “New Contract”

  1. Rhonda says:

    TA, congrats on the new contract!

    I hope you mind has settled down on my cowboy book (Derek and Max)…lol

  2. Kathy K says:

    Most excellent news indeed.


  3. Susan says:

    whoohooo, congrats TA. The way DoD ended didn't think there would be any more books in that series, course now that I know for sure there is I'm going to be sitting on pins and needles waiting,ugggg.

    Sure hope it the 'Home' book, Max and Derek, that you are settling on, lol.

  4. Melissa Bradley says:


  5. Jambrea says:

    My Nowhere Diner is sitting on my front porch! Darn the evil day job! lol

  6. psy-harlot says:

    Also thanks for letting us know about the Nowhere Diner. I actually was getting ready to put in an order at Amazon. Now I can tack this one on as well. 🙂 Ann

  7. Dana Marie Bell says:

    Congrats! Baily and Wellmine! WOOT! Looking forward to seeing it!

  8. Yvonne says:

    Congratulations! They are going to be a great couple.

    There is definitely a story there.

  9. jodecarlson says:

    awesome! congrats 🙂 and yes, I agree there's a story in this pic…


  10. Jambrea says:

    Oh…and that whole grouping of Levi's pictures could be a story. They are really cool.

  11. Jambrea says:

    Woohoo! That's GREAT news! Congrats.

    I'm glad your mind is settling down. I can't wait to find out which story has your focus. 🙂

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