Love’s Baggage is out.

Love’s Baggage, Bandit’s story and the third book in the Preternatural series, is available at Amber Allure now. Actually it came out yesterday, but I was still down in New Orleans, so I couldn’t post about it. 🙂 It’s also part of a PAX, so it’s discounted that way, I believe. Hope you get to check it out.

I had a lot of fun at GRL, and met so many awesome people (readers and authors alike). I can’t wait for next year’s retreat…lol. Of course, I have to recover from this one first. I did get some writing done, but I’m hoping to do the big final push this week to get Famine finished. But it’s nice to be home as well.

Here’s the blurb for Love’s Baggage. I hope you enjoy Bandit’s story.

Things have gotten pretty exciting in Bandit Canis’s world. Non-Preters trying to kill any lycan or Preternatural they can find, and his youngest brother falling in love with a human. Plus finding out there’s a spell in a book that could destroy every Preternatural in the world. Yeah, “exciting” is a pale word for what Bandit’s life has become. Yet instead of searching for the book, Bandit finds himself escorting twin lycans back to their home pack. While he’s not happy about it, at least he gets to spend time with Allen Dow.

Allen is reluctant to return to his home pack to regain control, especially after being sold to a human freak show years ago by his Alpha. He has no choice, though, once he learns how far the pack had fallen in his absence. The only good thing about the entire trip is spending time with Bandit.

As their mission turns deadly, Bandit and Allen cling to each other, their love growing stronger as they both leave the baggage of the past behind them. While their future is unclear in the dangerous world in which they live, they also come to realize that, together, they may be able to weather whatever happens next…

NOTE: This story is part of The Preternaturals series..

4 Responses “Love’s Baggage is out.”

  1. LeafThoj says:

    2013……. WHERE ARE YOU ROVER x WATCHER GUY?! graaaaaaaah. *rage* I want more!

    Also really loved this book, though a little bothered with how Bandit completely 180 when he leaves the Canis family’s watch. I do enjoy the fact that he does this, but find it difficult he doesn’t come to terms with that he does with his family. Still, so lovable.

    I think I still like Lupine x Raymond better.

  2. Anonymous says:

    loved it, hope to read the next book in this series..

  3. Heli says:

    Thanks! I needed to reread the previous books before this one and it is so good to be able to read them at the same time! But I wonder about the same thing as Susan, as when Rover's and Jess's stories are coming out?

  4. Susan says:

    Loved it, now I can't wait till Rover's story and the mystery man. Also please tell me Pavel will be found and alive! You sure know how to leave us hanging, lol.
    P.S. did you know there is a misprint under the about you, after the last page?

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