JERR review for Here Be Dragons

Michelle at JERR gave Here Be Dragons 5 stars and here’s a little of what she has to say:

Here Be Dragons is a title that immediately drew my attention. Would this be a fantasy set in a mythical world? As it turn out, the answer is no, as Mr. Chase held me spellbound by combining myth and legend in a contemporary setting….This was a book that surpassed all my expectations. All I can say is β€œMore please!”

I’ve been overwhelmed by the response I’ve gotten to my geeky scientist and his handsome boss. πŸ™‚ it makes me smile to know that everyone loves them as much as I do. Or at least I haven’t heard anything bad about the book yet.

Busy at work all day today, but I hope you all have a great day. Would anyone like to give this guy a hug, so he doesn’t have to hug himself? lol

*Update* I got the link to Elisa’s post at her blog, Isn’t It Romantic?. She’s posted an excerpt from Angel’s Evolution plus a little introduction from me about the story. It’s in English and in Italian. Now I have to go and get the comments translated into English, so I know what wonderful things they’re saying about my books. πŸ™‚ She’s done a great job promoting m/m romances to her Italian friends.

8 Responses “JERR review for Here Be Dragons”

  1. T.A.Chase says:

    that’s true, Elisa. the best way to get books that you and your friends would like to read is to ask (or bother) the publishers. Eventually if enough people keep asking, they’ll listen. I guess it amazes me that there are only two romance publishers in Italy. Here there are so many publishing houses and so many that will publish romances that it gets overwhelming at times. πŸ™‚

  2. Elisa says:

    I say to my friend to ask, ask, ask so maybe some italian publisher will hear them: every month I post the news for an italian publisher specialized in romance (one of the two in Italy); romance in Italy is a genre so negleted that this publisher don’t have a dedicated website, but, after all, he have published romance for over thirty years in Italy (he translate, for example, jane feather, julia quinn, johanna lindsey, nora roberts, and many other); so maybe he will read the excerpt and maybe…

  3. T.A.Chase says:


    I’m happy to hear they liked the excerpt. And that Martina will buy it. You know, I’d love to have it translated into Italian for you, but I’m not sure how to go about doing that. πŸ™‚

  4. T.A.Chase says:

    Sure, go ahead, Paige. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. lol

  5. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks Celia. πŸ™‚

  6. Elisa says:

    my italian friends says only good thing about you and Angel’s Evolution. One (Giorgia) thanks you for the excerpt, another (Martina) says she will buy the book as soon as possible, many others wants it translated in italian!

  7. Paige Burns says:

    Can I lick him first?


  8. Celia Kyle says:

    Congrats TA! The praise for HBD is well deserved!


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