It’s Sunday again.

Good evening, everyone. I hope your weekend has gone well. Mine has been pretty good, but not much writing got done. That’s okay though. I needed a day or so away from my stories, so I could get a fresh look at all of them. I’m ready to start writing again. 🙂 I’ll get back to it tomorrow. 🙂
Tonight I plan on watching A Dirty Shame with Johnny Knoxville. Hope it’s good. I’ve found out that I enjoy Knoxville. Not sure why since he isn’t the greatest actor and is slightly odd looking, but ever since I saw him in Walking Tall with The Rock, I thought his movies were good. 🙂
Hope everyone’s Sunday was good.
“We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.”—Agnes Repplier
One Response “It’s Sunday again.”
Wow…that guy’s hot.
I have to admit that Walking Tall made me a fan of Johnny Knoxville too. Not enough to rent movies with him in it but enough to go “Wow…he’s cute”.