It’s Out

Angel’s Evolution is available at LSB. Click here to check it out. And I’ll be posting the next scene for Firebird tomorrow. 🙂

14 Responses “It’s Out”

  1. T.A.Chase says:


    I was disappointed as well, but unfortunately these electronic good-ups happen once in a while, but I’m glad you got your copy. Please let me know what you think about Angel and Greyson when you finish.

  2. Amanda Young says:

    Yay! I bought my copy and am just now finally sitting down to read it. I was so disappointed when LS didn’t get this one up on time. I’ve been looking forward to it.

  3. T.A.Chase says:

    No problem. Email is suppose to be faster than snail mail, but at times it seems to take the long way to get anywhere.

  4. megamie says:


    I just went back and it is there now!! How funny is that! Thank you very much! I look forward to reading it.


  5. megamie says:

    Hi TA,

    No I didn’t recieve it! Where did you send it? If it would be easier, could give you my home addi.


  6. T.A.Chase says:


    Did you get my email? Just checking. I sent you a copy of it already. 🙂

    I love this cover.

  7. megamie says:

    Hi TA,

    Your new cover is awesome! I can’t wait to read this one!

    Teresa FAR

  8. T.A.Chase says:


    I’m thrilled that you fell in love with my boys again. they’re pretty special to me. 🙂 You’re more than welcome.

  9. Yvonne says:

    TA all I can say is WOW! I fell in love with Angel and Grey all over again. Thank You

  10. T.A.Chase says:

    thanks, Paige

  11. Elisa says:

    Tonight, tonight… It will be mine tonight… Now I start to work! ciao, elisa

  12. Paige Burns says:


  13. T.A.Chase says:

    I hope everything’s all right, Yvonne. I can’t wait to hear what you think of the expanded version of AE. Also, make sure to stop by tomorrow…I’ll have the next scene for Firebird up.

  14. Yvonne says:

    TA- My evening ended like yours started. AE was in my cart at LS at 6:53pm when I get a security call the my husbands medical practice. Off we go! But I’m home now and AE is on my hard drive! Thank Goodness I’m off tomorrow 🙂

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