Is it the weekend yet?

Maybe it’s because this is the first full week I’ve worked in a couple weeks, but it feels like it’s been dragging on forever. Ugh! I just want Friday to get here. 🙂

I read this book last night. Threshold by Caitlin R. Kiernan (click on the title for a blurb). I think I enjoyed it. She has an interesting writing style and intriguing story lines. I’m not afraid to say that I didn’t really get the ending, but maybe it was just me. I love the cover and I’ll definitely be going out to pick up one of her other books, Daughter of Hounds…which sounds even better than this one does.

Got another 1k done on Firebird. Up to 37k and I’m thinking I’ll need to add about 10k more to finish it. So hopefully by the end of this weekend or sometime next week it’ll be done. 🙂 Not only the blog version, but the version I plan on subing somewhere. Haven’t decided where yet.

Hope everyone enjoys this wonderful Wednesday.

6 Responses “Is it the weekend yet?”

  1. T.A.Chase says:


    You’re welcome. And that’s great. Maybe if enough readers voice their opinions, Italian Publishers will start publishing the genre. 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    thanks to add me to your sidebar… I will be the same to Isn’t it Romantic (I just add you to my personal blog for news, Do you know? some day ago a reader of my blog ask me if she can reccomand an M/M romance to and Italian Publisher who ask to their readers advice for new genre to publish… I say: YES, and was so happy of it. (It’s a comment to the last M/M excerpt I published, those of Jules Jones). ciao, elisa

  3. T.A.Chase says:


    I love the review. Thanks. I’ll be adding it to the side bar and posting the link on Friday, so everyone can check it out. 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:

    ciao ta. here is the “real” reviews for AE (those in my LJ was only the first impression):

    it’s bilingual (English/Italian). If you want to stop by and talk with italian readers, you are welcome! ciao, elisa

  5. T.A.Chase says:

    Well..not last night. lol. I read it yesterday during the afternoon when I didn’t have anything to do but keep an eye on the front desk. the front desk here at work doesn’t have a computer or anything. I didn’t feel like writing either.

    Last night I started The Glass House by Rachel Caine. It’s her YA novel. Pretty good so far.

    Oh you’ll have to tell me if you like the Novik one. And I hope it gives you inspiration. You need to start writing again, girl.

  6. Paige Burns says:

    You read the whole book last night? I do love the cover, though now I’m not sure if I want to read it as we normally have the same taste in books.

    I went yesterday and bought His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik but haven’t started it yet. I’m hoping it brings inspiration.

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