Home of His Own available

Home of His Own is available now at LSB. 🙂

Hope you all enjoy Tony’s story. (And don’t forget to check out the newest installment of Death or Life? below this post.)

17 Responses “Home of His Own available”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I think Peter will end up with Max…if T.A. is smart. *wink*

  2. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, Anonymous. You’re right. I didn’t write it straight through. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely loved Tony’s story. But…you can tell that you didn’t write the story straight through –too many repetitives like how great Les & Randy are; how giving Les is and you had them giving each other a shoulder squeeze too many times. The word shoulder is in there 80 times. Otherwise, great story.

  4. T.A.Chase says:

    I love all the characters in the Home series as well. not just the main guys, but all the secondary people too.

    there’s at least three more in the series.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Got Home of his Own, devoured it and loved it. Have been looking forward to it since No Going Home (I have it in ebook and print). Looking forward to the next in the series as I love these people and can’t spend enough time with them!

  6. T.A.Chase says:


    thanks alot.

    Don’t worry about Peter. He’ll be getting his own story. It’s actually going to be right after Max and Derek’s story. 🙂 though his is going to be a darker story than the others.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I just read your book and enjoyed it as well…but what about Peter?


  8. T.A.Chase says:


    It might have been the brightest thing to do, but every once in a while, you just have to do something like that…lol

    The next Home book will be about Max Furlo, Tony’s foreman and Derek St. Martin, the country singer Tony met on the airplane. I’ve got about a quarter of their story written. Have two other stories I need to finish first and then I’ll get back to working on that one.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I have just spend 4 hours at work reading it. Not my brightest career achievement – but the book was so great I could not stop…. need to stay back tonight I guess…. So, who’s story will be next????

  10. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, everyone. I’m hoping to hear good things from you once you’ve read it. 😉 Of course, if you don’t like it, I’m willing to listen to those comments as well.

  11. Mel says:

    I am going to go get it now. I love your writing. After a very bad day this was the best thing that has happened, well the book and the next installment of Death or Life.

  12. Anne Cain says:

    Congrats, TA~! I’m adding Tony’s story to my collection tonight. *bounces*

  13. Robin says:


    I just purchased it! I have the house to myself and I’m taking my cybook; going to turn on the fireplace, get a glass of wine and curl up to read. So excited, I have been waiting for this since the day I finished No Going Home:)


  14. T.A.Chase says:

    Good luck with the oral surgery, Melissa.

    I hope you enjoy Tony’s story.

  15. Melissa says:

    I think I was one of the first to pick it up. Wahoo!! The books were up by 5:45 and I ordered.

    It’s my relaxation treat as I have to have some oral surgery tomorrow.

  16. T.A.Chase says:


    Maybe so many of you are trying to buy HoHO that the server is being overwhelmed….lol. Well, one can wish.

    I hope you enjoy it, Yvonne and thanks.

  17. Yvonne says:

    I think I have it?? LSB is acting wonky tonight. Can’t wait to get started.

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