Holy Heck!

Considering how much snow we have here….I needed something to warm me up….lol. I’d take pictures of the enormous drift in front of our front porch, but I don’t want to go outside. 🙂 So I’ll give you an idea. I’m not very tall, maybe 5′ at the most right? The drift is almost to the top of my head. I went for a little walk down my driveway to the end…and the drift in front of my driveway is up over my knee. No wonder we’ve been told to stay home. So what does C do? He goes with our friends to take one of them to work…lol. Crazy.

I’m staying home, watching movies and writing the rest of the day. The snow isn’t really supposed to taper off until later this afternoon, but it’ll still be drifting and blowing until tomorrow. Oh yay!

Yep, I’m ready for spring. Please. Thank God the groundhog didn’t see his shadow today.

I hope you all are safe and warm wherever you are. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

7 Responses “Holy Heck!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    What I'm afraid of is what is Houston really going to do if we get 3 inches of snow? Holy Cow. As it was we had rolling blackouts all day for energy conservations (puzzled look)

    Everyone stay safe! And TA… drooooolll, can I have them?


  2. Michael says:

    oklahoma is snowed in bad. . . i managed to convince my partner to not go into work. i'm lucky, my job closed for a couple days b/c of the snow. it's a nice vacation and i'm getting a chance to read your books 😀

  3. Bren says:

    Thank goodness I live in Florida. We only have to deal with hurricanes. – I don't post much but I come here for the great blog stories. I also wanted to chime in and say I LOVE this pic. Stay safe!

  4. Cinderella says:

    Holy Moley very nice picture I must say. Yummilicious!! Anywho everyone stay safe. Here in SC we got about 2.5 inches of rain last night but it is sunny today around 50 degrees. Have a great afternoon to all.

  5. Jambrea says:

    Most of Fort Wayne is closed down. My boss told me not to come in yesterday! I plan on staying in, maybe write, read. Watching Dr. Horrible right now. heehee

  6. Melissa Bradley says:

    LOL, TA, I'm five foot myself. The drifts in our backyard are over my head and the drifts in the front almost reach my head. I'm staying inside like you are. Thank God Chicago Public Schools are off. I would not have wanted to take the nephew to school this morning.

  7. Rebekah says:

    I'm with you TA! If my work hadn't let us all go home early yesterday and then closed today I think half the company would've called in "sick". LOL!

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