Holiday Freebie
First big news of the day is I have a Holiday Freebie available at the Samhellion. It’s titled Four Gold Rings and features the boys from the Love of Sports series. It’s a free download, so run and grab it. Also, it kicks off Samhain’s December Holiday Freebie month. Almost every day there’ll be another free story to download and enjoy from all the marvelous Samhain authors. My story is a short goodie. 🙂

Second great news of the day is that Playing the Game is out officially, though it’s been available to pre-order for a while now. And some of you might have gotten your copies already. I know the one copy I pre-ordered from Amazon showed up on my doorstep last week. 🙂
Out of Bounds – Basketball player Kasey Johnson keeps his sexual preference out of the public eye. He thinks his secret is safe until he meets Ingram Fletcher. Gram has lusted after Kasey for over a year, but he’s been unsure if its safe to make a play. Then an impromptu kiss leaves him wondering if a relationship is possible now, and beyond March Madness. And if Kasey is ready make a fast break out of his comfort zone.
High Line – Race driver CJ Lamont’s world comes tumbling down when his ex-wife reveals the truth about his private life. As he hits rock bottom, rescue comes from an unexpected source, Garrett Johnson, Hollywood’s hottest leading man. After his twin brother falls in love, Garrett acutely feels the emptiness in his own life. He tells himself offering CJ a shoulder to lean on is only temporary. But the two men grow closer and CJ realizes he has a decision to make whether to rebuild the lie, or admit his love for Garrett.
I also signed the contract for Wishing for a Home, my next Home book…which means it’ll be out in the spring of 2010. Woot!
I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009, by and is filed under "Four Gold Rings, Free story, Playing the Game, Wishing for a Home ". You can leave a response here, or send a Trackback from your own site.
I don't know if something is wrong with my computer or what but when I click the "free ebook" link at samhellion I get an internet explorer error. Has this happened to anyone else? I need help! I really really want to read Four Gold Rings!
Yay! I read it just now and it was an awesome sweet read! It was nice seeing all the characters again! Sometimes you get so much tinto a story that you start to actually miss the characters.
Nooooooooooooooooooo I should have know that a few days earlier. I put in a big order with Amazon! *pouts*
Next order! 😉
Thanks everyone, I'm thrilled that you're enjoying Four Gold Rings. 🙂
I have the next Preternatural book on my schedule to start some time after the first of the year. So it should be out sometime next year as well. I just can't give you any firmer dates than that. Yes, I did start the next Bound book, but I had an unexpected deadline come up, so I had to put that one on the back burner for now. Don't worry though, I'll be getting to that one in 2010 as well.
Also, someone asked about Soothe the Burn and whether it's related to Stealing Life. The only real connections between the stories is fire and maybe having a creepy government agency after you. 🙂
I have not yet read these books but I will soon – I am wondering though – do you know when you will start writing the next Preternatural book? I have read and reread Allergies and Nick of Time about 5 times each. Just love that series and am dieing for me. Also on the Bound but I do think I read you alread started that next book.
I love this! It was nice to see the guys again!
High Line was my introduction to your work, followed closely by Out of Bounds and they are both now firmly on my comfort read list. So, to me, this is a wonderful gift. Thank you!
I don't know who made that cover but I am totally in love, with the cover, maybe with them. It just works for me. I should frame it. Sigh.
Oh yeah, the story was sweet and fun too. 🙂 *gazes longingly at the cover*
As always, I loved your story. It was great to see CJ, Garrett, Kasey, and Gram again. You have made my morning much better.
Also, congratulations on the contract! I haven't read your home stories yet, but I've just bought them and they're next on my reading list. I hope you have a fabulous rest of the week!
Thanks for the freebie!! I can't wait to read it. And congrats on the release and new contract. here is the link – click on the cover when you get there
Thanks TA for the free download – love the guys getting their happy ending 🙂
*SQUEE* I'm in TA Heaven. lol
I'm with Jen..more, more, more. 🙂
Four Gold Rings was great – only problem is I left wanting more – which is all too common when I read your books. More of the charactors, more of the romance and more of the love. Addictive!
Thanks for the holiday cheer.
I read Four Gold Rings this morning and loved it. Many thanks for a great short story.
All the best for the Festive Season and the New Year.