
sorry, everyone. Got hit with a migraine and ended up not doing much of anything yesterday. I’m feeling better, so I plan on getting the next installment done for you all. 🙂

Oh and good news, Wilde City will be re-releasing The Whore of New Slum and Duncan’s World. Yes, there will be new content. Each book will have enough words added to them for them to hit the 50k mark and hopefully get put into print. (Keep your fingers crossed…lol)

Have a great day.

3 Responses “Hey…”

  1. Bobbi says:

    We will be here. Besure and let us know about the rereleases I loved New Whore kept waiting for a number 2

  2. josexpressions says:

    Feel better, and congrats on the upcoming new releases!

  3. You know we’re all chomping at the bit for the next installment but migraines are no laughing matter! Rest up!

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