Happy Hump Day!!!

Half way through the week and I have one set of edits down. I plan on working on the second set today and get those finished, so I can get back to writing new stuff. 🙂 Yay! Edits are necessary evils, but sometimes I just plain don’t like doing them. I guess it’s because I don’t like going back and reading what I’ve written. Though I need to in order to catch mistakes. And sometimes, even though I do that, they still slip through. Oh well, guess I can’t be perfect all the time. lol
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.
4 Responses “Happy Hump Day!!!”
I have to agree with Jen, edits done means more TA in my library! Always a sweet deal in my book. Now you working on new stuff is also good. Here's hoping the edits go smoothly and you have a great week. Thanks for the eye candy.
I wanta lick him please! The reason mistakes go through is because you are still reading it ahead in your mind and you see in your mind eye the correct words there. I hate when I read a story and the name of a person changes buggs the crap out of me. LOL Cynthia
The sooner you get done with the edits the sooner I get more TA in my library! Big YEA!
Nice pic – the things I could do . . . 😉
Happy Hump Day to everyone!
At least once they are out of the way you can have fun writing again.
Love the eye candy. I think there may be a story there. Yummm