Getting in a groove…
I’m hoping to get some more writing done on The Whore of New Slum, which is my steampunk story. It’s coming out in February of 2013 from Amber Allure. I don’t have an exact date for it yet, but that’ll come probably when all the other stories for this particular PAX are turned in. I’ll announce it as soon as I get it.
Also, plans are in the works for another GRL anthology at Total e-Bound, featuring the same authors that were in the Unconventional…at Best antho. If everything comes together (like I know it will…lol), the antho will be out in August of 2013, and the print version should be available before GRL in Atlanta next October. Woot! I think everyone will get a kick out of this anthology. We’re doing something slightly different. I’m not going to say anything else because I don’t want to give anything away. When I get working on my story, I’ll let you know what the title is. 🙂
Okay…well, I better go get dressed and set down to get some writing done. I think there might be a big revelation coming in the blog story. 😉
Hope you all have a great Monday.
2 Responses “Getting in a groove…”
lol…I’m getting pretty good at teasing. 🙂
You are so bad!! Evil teaser.