
Elisa graciously translated her review of No Going Home. Click here to read and also read her article on m/m romances. It’s pretty awesome. I’ll be heading back to post a comment soon.
Well, it’s going to be a rainy day here, so I’ll probably just spend as much time as I can writing. Have several different stories I need to work on. 😉
As for my secret project…here’s a hint. (It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out) What does Valentine’s Day and Halloween have in common? 🙂
Have a great day, everyone.
4 Responses “Flyboys”
Creepy guys in costume?
Ya see…I’m not a big riddle girl because the only thing I can think of is that they’re holidays. Somehow I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about. 🙂
I think he was least once in the movie, Celia. So you’d get your wish. 😉
Ah but you didn’t answer my question..what do Halloween and Valentine’s Day have in common?
As I get more finished with my other stuff, I’ll let you know. 🙂
I haven’t heard much about the movie, but *sigh* I’d watch it just on the off chance of seeing James Franco shirtless…
When are we going to get the scoop on all of this other stuff you’re working on sir?