Fighting Dragons cover…

Very nice cover, isn’t it? Another great one from Anne Cain. 🙂

Fighting Dragons will be available on March 30th from Loose-Id.

I finished the edits on Duncan’s World (available April 4th at Amber Allure) and Wishing for a Home (available at some point in April from Liquid Silver Books) Woot!

I’m working on Revealing the Past, a story for Amber Allure. I’m close to being finished with it, so I’m focusing my attention on that one story until I’m done. 🙂 Then I’ll dig through and figure out which one I want to put on the calendar along with Not Seeing is Believing. Also, remember that Wolf’s Survival starts tomorrow.

Have a great Monday.

10 Responses “Fighting Dragons cover…”

  1. chrysalis1975 says:

    LOVING the cover, TA 🙂 Can't wait for this installment of the Dragons series 🙂

  2. elaineg0707 says:

    Love the cover! Can't wait for tomorrow…and March 30th and April 4th lol! Have a great week TA

  3. Susan says:

    love the cover, which one is Bailey and which is David? You did say before the other guys will be in it too??
    So cool 3 books to look forward to in the next month, yeaaaa!

    Now waiting for tommorrow and Wolf's Survival.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Absolutely fabulous cover.

  5. Yvonne says:

    Anne has done it again. It is beautiful. Congrats on the new books coming.


  6. Anonymous says:

    what sammie awards

  7. Jen says:

    Love the cover – love how all the 'Dragon' covers really flow together nicely!

    I'm with Jambrea – I can't wait until Oliver and Jacob collide – Man, I even love their names, now how pathetic have I become? lol

    Thanks for hooking us up, TA!


  8. Rhonda says:

    TA, the cover is great! Congrats on all the new things you have coming up and for your Sammie awards yesterday!!!!

    I'm looking forward to the start of Wolf's Survival tomorrow.

    Have a great day!

  9. Jambrea says:

    LOVE that cover! Congrats!!!!

    Can't wait until tomorrow!

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