Every Shattered Dream Part Four available…




Every Shattered Dream Part Four is available now at Total e-Bound. 🙂 Click here to check it out. We’re getting closer to fulfilling the promise Logan made to Kenny. I hope you’re all enjoying the serial. It was fun to write. Almost like my blog stories, only slightly different since there were only five parts and they were each longer than my installments. But the idea is the same, end each part/installment with a cliffhanger. Maybe not a huge one, but still enough of one that it keeps people interested in reading more.

Also, I just signed up to go to Chicago’s Spring Fling the last weekend in April of next year. It’s being put on by a RWA chapter there. So that’ll be three appearances next year…though of course, I haven’t signed up for GRL 2014 yet, but I am planning on being there. I’ll be in Chicago in April, RT/New Orleans in May, and wherever GRL happens to be in October next year. Yay! Maybe I’ll be able to see you at one of these events.

I have a ton of writing to get done this weekend, so I better get started. Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend.

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