Duncan’s World available….

In case some of you didn’t get a message yesterday, Duncan’s World is available at Amber Allure now. It’s also on sale. Amber Allure has started a new thing where all that week’s books are discounted for the first week.
Also, Freaks in Love was the #1 best seller at Amber Allure for March…and Soothe the Burn hung on for the #10th spot in March as well. Thank you all so much for making those two books hit the list. 🙂
I finished one book that just needs to be cleaned up, then I’ll be subbing it to Liquid Silver. On to the next book on my list…that needs to be done by June 1st.
I hope you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful Monday.
9 Responses “Duncan’s World available….”
bought it, read it, loved it, bring on the next book Woot!
Got it, loved it. Duncan and Kyle were great. Wonderful story.
Wooo! Just got back in town and I get two, TWO, TA books. YEA.
TA, does Duncan's World belong with any other book or is it a stand alone?
I don't know how you do it but you created Duncan just for me. Thank you.
I just finished it about an hour ago. It was a fabulous story. I quite enjoyed it. Congratulations on the rankings! They are completely deserved.
Finished Duncan's World last night and I really loved it. I just wish I knew what happed to Rusty the rotten bleep bleep bleep. As for Duncan and Klye I love my cowboys.
TA Chase book
New release
On sale
Some of my favorite things! 😉
I'm on it – just have to wait til after work – arghhhh!!
Love ya,
Being overseas has it merits. I picked it up at 1am your time and finished it by 3amyt.
Loved it TA. Duncan and Kyle are good together.
Congrats on the rankings!
Woohoo! Great news all around. Nice way to start a Monday. 🙂
I picked up my copy!!! 🙂