
Well, Love’s Baggage is done and turned in. Woot! It’ll be out Oct. 16th as part of the Howling in the Night PAX. All werewolf stories. This one is Bandit’s story, so we’ll get some more information about what’s going on with everyone in the Preternatural series. Hopefully, you’ll like it.
Next up…and all ready started is Joy of the Season, a short Christmas story for MLR Press. Once that’s done, I’ll be starting Famine, the third book in The Four Horsemen series.
I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
6 Responses “done…”
Dawn, the second book in the series is Nick of Time. It has different main characters, but the Canis pack plays a major role in the story. 🙂
I am so excited that your following up with characters from Allergies but I think I am behind a book. What was the other or 2nd book you were referring to?
Woo Hoo! I can't wait, I love this series.
Thanks TA!
Erika S.
both, Cynthia. You're going to meet new characters, and see how the overall story progresses. Though I will admit this story is mostly just about Bandit and Allen. 🙂 You do get to see pretty much everyone from the first two….except one. 🙁
Go TA! Go! 🙂
In the short are we meeting new people or is it a look at what they are doing? If so who are we visiting?