Complete Wash…

Well, yesterday ended up being a complete wash as to me getting anything done. πŸ™ I think I’m coming down with a spring cold or something. Had no interest in anything except sitting in my chair and reading.

But I’ve taken some medicine and hopefully that will help because I not only have to do the next two installments of my blog story, but I need to work on the Ghostly Affair PAX story I’m doing for Amber Allure. Once that’s done, I have to start work on the next book. My personal schedule of books is based on me finishing a book a month for a while. Which is doable…if I don’t get distracted with other things…lol.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday…and I promise tomorrow and Friday will be Waiters days.

4 Responses “Complete Wash…”

  1. tracykitn says:

    I can sympathise about wanting nothing more than to spend the day with a book–I've had about a week's worth of One of Those Days one right after another, culminating yesterday afternoon with my middle child finding my kitten dead in the middle of the family room floor. I am just waiting for munchkins to all be in bed so I can do more than look longingly at the Scotch.

  2. bookreader54 says:

    Hugs…Hope you get to feeling better. Get some rest you are probably worn out from your two excursion.

    Take Care

  3. Cinderella says:

    I hear ya I never had allergies until we moved here and now OMG i feel as if my head may fall off and roll around my feet it is so stuffed. Whatcha readin? Cynthia

  4. Jambrea says:

    (((hugs))) You're probably run down from RT and everything. I'm glad you had a veg day!

    Good luck with writing. πŸ™‚

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