Eastern Standard Time…

After I got home last night from what I’m calling my West Coast Tour (lol), I crashed. So I didn’t get a chance to write the next installment of Waiters, but don’t worry. I’ll make sure to get it done for you all and up tomorrow. 🙂
My trip was great. Had an awesome time in Vegas with my friends. Phoenix was wonderful, but it always is when I’m hanging with my best friend. And RT was so much fun and it was marvelous to meet people I’d chatted with online.
Oh and as soon as I get the contract signed, I’ll have news about a new series I’m writing for one of my publishers. But I don’t want to say anything yet. I’m weird that way. Don’t like to say anything until it’s all signed and contracted…lol.
I hope you all have a great day and I’ll make sure to get the toy store installment done.
3 Responses “Eastern Standard Time…”
Great to have you back. So glad you had a great time.
Theresa A
So glad to hear your trip was a hugh hit. Cannot wait to hear what you have cooking on the back burner. Cynthia
Woohoo! Happy to have you back and very happy you had fun!! 🙂