Chatting tonight and a new Review

Hey everyone, I’ll be chatting tonight at a party called ManLove Gang Bang. (awesome title, huh?) here’s the link if any of you would like to show up: The party starts at 7 and goes until 11. A whole bunch of m/m authors will be there….including yours truly. Sean Michael, Laura Baumbach, Ally Blue, Jules Jones, Jet Mykles (just to name a few) Please stop by. I’m sure there’ll be prizes handed out as well.

And I got another review for Here Be Dragons. This one is from Isbelle at Romance Review Today Erotic. As soon as I find out the review’s been posted, I’ll put the live link up for you all, but it was a great review and she’s given me the perfect little snippet to use. ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s a little of what Isabelle has to say:

“HERE BE DRAGONS runs the gamut from pure poignancy to whimsical weirdness…one can only hope this is just the beginning of an interesting and very unusual series.”

Thank you, Isabelle. I love ‘runs the gamut from pure poignancy to whimsical weirdness’. I think that describes the book perfectly. ๐Ÿ™‚ Did some more work on Tony’s story. I’m actually going to start typing it in to see exactly where I’m at word count wise.

I hope your Wednesday goes well and I’d be thrilled if any of you could make it to the chat tonight.

4 Responses “Chatting tonight and a new Review”

  1. Celia Kyle says:

    Woo Hoo! Man-on-man Gang Bang!? It just conjures the naughtiest images in your mind doesn’t it? I’ll see you there!


  2. T.A.Chase says:


    Obviously I don’t do these very often, huh? Eastern Standard Time. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Tay says:


    Sounds like fun. 7 in what time zone? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Paige Burns says:

    Woot! a chat, I’m so there.

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