Archive for War


is it Wednesday all ready? 🙂 I’m not sure where Monday and Tuesday went. lol At least yesterday was productive. I’m hoping today will be just as good. Working on War and I’m over halfway done with it. Yay!

Oh and today is the last day to vote for ARe’s Summer’s Hottest Hero, in case you haven’t already.

I hope you all have a great day.

Good Weekend

Writing went well this weekend. Got more done than I thought I would, but I plan on really buckling down this week. I’d like to be 3/4ths of the way through War by the end of this week. That would awesome….lol. I’m close to being halfway done with it. We’ll see though. I know I want it to be at least 50k, but it might end up longer than that, which wouldn’t be all bad since it’ll definitely go into print format then. Yay!

Well, I better get started. I hope you all had a great weekend and have a marvelous Monday as well.

Good day

Though I’ve gotten up a little later than I usually do, I think it’s going to be a good day. I’m going to be writing as much as possible and maybe even go for a walk at some point today.

War’s coming along nicely. I’ll admit I’m not as far along in the story as I’d like to be, but still I’m in no danger of missing my deadline.

I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂

Middle of the Week

Would you like some strawberries and cream? 😀

All ready Wednesday. I tell you, the weeks are flying by in a blur at times. Crazy. I need it to slow down a little bit, so I can get my stories written…lol. Actually I’m doing pretty good with the writing and where I’m at word count wise. War is plodding along.

I hope you all have a great Hump Day. 🙂

Another Idea…

I got another idea for a YA book, but I don’t have time to write it yet…lol. Figures, so I’m going to write up a synopsis and add it to my schedule. Maybe I can wiggle it in sooner than later. 🙂 It’s going to be a post-apocalypic story…sort of along the lines of Freaks in Love. Only Young Adult. I thought it might be neat to try and write a story set in that kind of world.

War is coming along. A little slower than I like, but I’m ahead of schedule, so it’s all good for now. 🙂

I hope you all have a great Monday.

Wicked Wednesday

Had a good day writing yesterday. Moving along on War….lol. Next in line on the schedule is Love’s Baggage, which will be Bandit’s story from the Preternatural series. Bandit has to take Alan and Roman, Alan’s brother, back where they came for some reason. (I haven’t come up with one yet, but it’ll be important.) So you won’t see much of the rest of the Canis family, Gryphon or Nick, but Bandit’s story will still be important to the overall plot.

Other than that, not much is going on. 🙂 The next installment of my blog story might be a day late. I’m busy today until late with other things, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the next bit written. I’m going to try, but I thought I’d give you fair warning. 🙂

Have a great Wednesday, everyone.


Woo-hoo! Pestilence is done and turned in. 🙂 Now it’s on to War and hopefully hitting my self-imposed deadline for that story. I’d like to get it finished a month ahead of schedule, because it would put me ahead of schedule on all the rest of my books for the year. And that would be awesome.

I hope you all had a great weekend and have a good Monday as well.

Hunky Wednesday

Well, the weather sure is weird lately. Yesterday, it was hotter than hell…and we had tornado warnings and torrential rain. Today, it’s supposed to be sunny and only in the low 70s. No wonder my head hurts most of the time…lol.

Writing is going well. I only have about 4k left to add to Pestilence, and I’ve actually started War. At least, I’ve written some of the first chapter in long hand. I’ll type it in when I finish up Pest. Haven’t heard back about the other synopsis I sent in, but it’s no big deal since I have a bunch to get done already. 🙂

I hope you all have a great Wednesday.

Holiday weekend

I should have written this post last night when I remembered what I wanted to tell everyone. This morning, I have no idea. lol Maybe it’s too early in the morning and I’ll think of it later on. Who knows?

Anyway, today I plan on finishing up Under My Bed. The last sex scene was written and I just need to add the epilogue, then fill out the forms and send it on its merry way. After that, I have to go back and add 8k or so to Pestilence. That’s to make sure it’s long enough to go into print. War is next to be worked on. Oh, and Bandit’s story, Love’s Baggage is up after War. I know I said Rover’s story was next, but in my schedule, it works out for Bandit’s to be next.

I’m also writing up synopsis for a short story and another series to send into TeB. Hopefully, if they like it, they’ll pre-schedule them for me like they did the other Horsemen books. Also, the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness needs the synopsis written. I’m hoping to work on them this weekend.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a safe holiday weekend. Be careful if you’re driving anywhere.

Sunny Day

It looks like today might be a nice day here. I’m hoping so. I’ll open all the windows in the house and air it out…lol. Might even go sit outside and write. I did that last Friday. It was a really nice day out, so I spent the afternoon sitting on my front porch, writing and soaking up the heat like a lizard. 😀

I’m still working on finishing up Under My Bed, but at least I’m in the homestretch, then I can start War and finish Why I Love Waiters. I won’t have a release in June. My next one will probably be UMB in July. Still not sure when Pestilence and Borderline will be out. I’ll keep you updated on those two. As soon as I hear anything about even a rough date, I’ll be sure to say something. 🙂

Hope you all have a great day.