Black Friday…

Doesn’t really mean anything to me. I don’t leave the house until a normal hour on the day after Thanksgiving, if I leave at all…lol. But for all you crazy shoppers out there who get up at insane hours for the great deals. I hope you got some. 🙂

Today, I plan on doing as much writing as I can before tonight when we’ll be having some friends over for movies, dinner and maybe a little Rock Band. 🙂

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. If you don’t celebrate the holiday, I hope you had a marvelous day as well.

4 Responses “Black Friday…”

  1. Kristie~ says:

    Yea for Rock Band. Have fun TA.

  2. L C says:

    Ha, we did rock band as well. I got some great pics and posted them on my space. Hope you have just as much fun. Enjoy. And I slept in this morning. All the way to 10. yeah babe!

  3. Yvonne says:

    Have a great Rock Band! Sterling played with some friends of his last week and their ‘jam’session lasted for about 5 hours.

    Enjoy the weekend.


  4. Jambrea says:

    Good luck and enjoy Rock Band!

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