Be the Air for You cover
This is the cover for my May 9th Amber Allure release, Be the Air for You. I like it. Very hot! 🙂
I thought I’d give you the blurb and a little unedited excerpt from the story.
Rod Hannah is on top of his game, performing all over the world to sold-out arenas. Yet loneliness is a battle he fights along with his long-time addiction to drugs and alcohol. He beat those demons three years ago because of his best friend, Hawk McLeod.
Hawk is the person Rod calls in the middle of the night, no matter where he’s been, and Hawk’s always there for him. Yet when Hawk needs help fighting a battle he can’t win, Rod will be there.
He’s been in love with Hawk for years, but the timing had never been right for turning their friendship into something deeper and more serious. Now when Hawk needs him the most, Rod will be there for the man he loves, showing him how perfect they are for each other.
I set my phone down and lean back on the couch, staring at the picture of Hawk. He sent it to me to show me what good my money was doing, but those pictures were my lifeline in many ways. I saw possibilities and reasons, other than being self-centered and egotistical, why I did what I did. Playing music was my only talent, so I did it to the best of my ability and hoped others would get something from it.
Picking up my computer, I set it on my lap and truly look at Hawk. Lines craved at the corner of his mouth weren’t laugh lines. Dark circles under his eyes spoke to me of more sleepless nights than I caused him. The sun glinted off Hawk’s black-blue hair and showed a few strands of silver. My friend looked tired and I had the sudden urge to cancel all my remaining concerts to fly to Arizona and kidnap Hawk. He never knew when to take the time to rest. The clinic, his people, and me were the most important things to him. He’d work himself to death for any of the three and I knew it.
I opened the email Hawk sent me with the picture.
“Maria received her new glasses today. Hopefully her headaches will go away and her grades will improve. I wanted to give you a name and face to think about when you wonder if there is anything good in the world. Your friend always, Hawk.”
I didn’t need another face or name to remind me that good existed. All I had to do was imagine Hawk for he was the epitome of goodness.
Hitting reply, I typed, “Thank you yet again for reaffirming my belief in you. Get some sleep, my friend. Please, I don’t want to hear about you getting sick.”
I hit send and shut my computer down. A knock sounded on my door and I grimaced. Time to be a star, and let Hawk do the important life-altering things.
I hope you all have a great Friday and a marvelous weekend. 🙂
16 Responses “Be the Air for You cover”
WOW!! Love the cover, and love all your upcoming novels 🙂 I re-read all the ones I have from you already, and feel a day isn't right until I've read at least ONE TA book before I close my eyes!! I'm so excited about your continued success (and how we benefit from it, by reading your excellent stories)!!
Take care, TA
TA (my initials as well)—Tame A.
May? Really? Auugggh!
Seriously, A Two-Spirited One! At Last! Can't wait to read your spin on this.
Thank goodness I buy e-books I couldn't lift what I own.
You never,ever dissapoint.
Take Care,TA
Cindy L
May? You are a tease and a meanie
I cannot wait for this to come out. I'm so excited to read it. It sounds fabulous!
Wow, amazing cover and the excerpt really pulls you in. Can't wait!
Wow!! I know I'm going to fall in love with Hawk and Rod, I'm hooked already. And that cover…intense and beautiful.
OOOH! This sounds amazing and I am gonna be hard-pressed to be patient enough to wait…seriously TA, I love the cover, and the story really hooked me quick!
TA, VERY HOT COVER!!!! I love it and cannot wait to read the book. Just from that small excerpt, I know I'm going to love it.
Have a great weekend and take care of yourself.
It might be, Cynthia, but not because of anything bad. 😉
Well you convey so many emotions with so few words. This is going be a tissue one huh? Cynthia
I can see you are soon going to need your own shelf. 🙂 Maybe two! WOOT!
Well, Bastet (June 6th) will be out in print as well as ebook…and I believe Dracul's Blood is long enough to go into print at Total e-Bound (at some point) and Tabloid Love will be out in the Winter part of 2010, so you'll have, at least, three more print books to add to your collection…lol.
Thanks. I've been very lucky with my covers so far. Ummm…as an author, I fill out art forms for the covers, giving the artist descriptions of my guys and the overall feeling of the book. It's up to the artist to figure out how to get me a cover that fits the book. Sometimes, they're able to hit it right on the nail. Other times, they have to get it as close as they can.
Poor Trace…he really had to stretch for the covers for Soothe the Burn and Freaks in Love. I mean, a man with metal skin and a guy with snake skin. Those aren't easy to find, but he did a great job and both covers were perfect for those stories.
I would be speechless but then you wouldn't know I was!
Talk about whetting my appetite! Love the cover – do you have a say in what the cover looks like – because I don't think you've ever had a bad one! lol
Counting the days! My birthday is April 30th so this will be a late b-day gift to me, thanks TA!
Well…what are you waiting for? I need another TA book for my collection. heeheee
Thanks, Jambrea. 🙂
No, it's not long enough for print, but I have another rocker/friends-to-lover story that I'm going to be working on that I might combine with this one to make a print book at Amber Allure. Just have to finish the other one first to make sure it's long enough…lol
Goodness! Is it hot in here or just me! That cover is perfect for the title! It SO fits!
Thanks for the excerpt. Can't wait for this one! Is it long enough for print?
Have a great weekend!!!