Wicked Wednesday

There’s just something about these pictures. I think I like the slight smirk on the guy’s face when he looks at the camera. 🙂

Well, I’m in LA now for RT. It should be fun to meet tons of authors and readers. I can’t wait.

Have a great Wednesday.

4 Responses “Wicked Wednesday”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I hope you have a blast. And holy mother! (fans face) Sweet mercy those boys are HOT!

    Erika S.

  2. Havan says:

    I'm soooooo jealous . . . but I hope you have lots of fun! 🙂

  3. bookreader54 says:

    Hope you have a great time here in California. Where is the conference located. Love the eye candy.


  4. Jambrea says:

    Woohoo! You're going to have SO much fun!! 🙂

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