While you’re waiting…

for me to post the next installment of Bastet…which I’m working on. 🙂 You can stop by Manic Readers and check out my interview with Val. It was a lot of fun.

The next installment will be up soon. I promise. 🙂

5 Responses “While you’re waiting…”

  1. Cheryl says:

    Lovely interview, it was a fun read. I forgot that you have one more book coming out this year. Learning that made me feel like Christmas had come early : )

  2. Jambrea says:

    Great interview! And I agree…wonderful eye candy. 🙂

  3. Yvonne says:

    I agree with Jen on the eye candy! And is was a good interview, although I don't picture you doing the "Muppet" flail..more like the Snoppy Happy Dance(much classier) lol


  4. Melissa Bradley says:

    Great interview, T.A., and might I say that the eye candy is totally scrumptious. Have a great day!

  5. Jen says:

    You do have the best eye candy! 😉

    Loved the interview and can't wait for Bastet.

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